
Does your business need to sharpen up, change direction, innovate, rejuvenate?
£ Ultra accessible

As well as our deeper transformation programmes, we offer 1+ day ‘Hackathon’ style events which focus the creativity and expertise already present in your company, on the issue you are facing.

Change is led by the insights of all staff in manageable steps, not just the managers – solving the ‘buy-in’, ‘resistance to change’ and ‘change fatigue’ issues that hinder many change programs.

Events can be one-off or repeated, can run from 1 – 3 days and integrated into your broader strategy according to your needs.

Based on ‘Open Space Technology’ to invite everybody to playfully co-create – experiment – implement and share what works; for maximum engagement, accelerated collaboration and electrifying inspiration. Whether your business needs to instigate or refresh a culture of innovation, sustainability strategy or Environmental Management System, rethink how you work together, solve a problem or something else – we can help.Save
