Innovation Hackathon
1-day Hackathon from £5/per person per day (min 100 people)
Hire us to facilitate a 1-day event to bring out the best of your team, department or company.
"If you want to produce something truly innovative and useful, you cannot know - by definition - where to go. That's why leading innovation is not - and cannot be - about being a visionary. The last thing you want is a team that defers to you to set a course... If your goal is innovation, then your role must instead be to create an environment - a setting, a context, an organisation - where people are willing and able to do the hard work of innovation themselves: to collaborate, learn through trial and error, and make integrated decisions."
- Linda Hall, Greg Brandeau, Emily Truelove and Kent Linebeck, Collective Genius
Open Space enables this collaborative innovation - at scale across teams and departments.
We invite you to participate in a cross-functional conversation exploring change in your workplace to be more innovative: an Innovation Hackathon day.
"Open Space is a party for ideas."
- Colin Newlyn, participant at Caterfly's Shift event.
How it works
You can't magically transform your organisation and its culture by wishful thinking. However, you can kick-start the process, while addressing your Burning Issue.
In our 'Innovation Hackathon Day', everyone in the organisation, department or section is invited to play and get creative around a theme based on your needs and your context.
Participation is optional, cross-functional and fun. We use an 'Open Space' format to harness the power of self-organisation, with everyone free to follow their enthusiasm in pursuit of the goal.
Invitation-based innovation
"Co-creation by the 'diversity of many' is an absolute best practice. People own what they help create. Every time you ask people to adopt something they haven't contributed to, you waste resources and undermine engagement". - Sanofi Pasteur, Head of Quality Innovation and Engagement (in The
Employee Engagement Alliance)
That's why everyone across the organisation should be engaged in co-creation.
An innovation culture
This is not about innovation techniques. It is about creating the right conditions for an innovation culture to thrive.
An innovation culture which is conducive to people being innovative and being willing to share their ideas and solutions.
Our one day event can't do all that on its own, but it can support a deeper impetus and a broader programme, or be the starting point - in a bite-sized, 'suck it and see' trial, with immediate results.