Research and resources


The failure of change management programmes

“The three-out-of-seven success rate is an average view from many different research findings. Some studies reported success as low as 10%, others as high as 50%. The research span across many industries and countries and the nature of the change initiative studied varied widely—customer relationship ,management , enterprise resource planning , shared services endeavors, supply chain projects, mergers and acquisitions, cost reduction initiatives, restructuring/reorganization efforts, customer experience initiatives, etc. Any way you examine the findings, there is ample evidence that the change initiatives are far more likely to fall short of their stated objectives than to reach their promised outcomes.”
  • “Too many change efforts start with all the managers getting together behind closed doors and deciding what should be done.  They never think of telling their people what is going to happen and why, let alone canvassing their opinions, ideas or suggestions because they are the people closest to the front line and who just might be able to see what ultimate impact the change could have on the customer.”
    Ken Blanchard, ‘Mastering the art of change’ [Training Journal, January 2010]

Blanchard lists 6 stages of concern which are often not met:

* Need for information, not a slick sales talk (trying to get ‘buy in’)
* Need for personal relevance (what will this mean for me?)
* Implementation: what do I need to do and when?
* Impact: Is this making a difference, Is it worth it?
* Collaboration: how can I share learning and wins
* Refinement: How can we continually improve the change?

The problem with Change Management by Francois Knuchel

Why coercion doesn’t work by Martin Grimshaw

Open-Agile Adoption and Open Space Technology

Caterfly has been strongly influenced by a call to arms by Daniel Mezick, who developed the Open Agile Adoption system for implementing Agile working in organisations. Caterfly’s Open Smart Transformation model is a derivative of Prime/OS™ developed by Daniel Mezick.

Open Agile Adoption – implementing Agile working patterns in organisations using Open Space

Prime/OS™ and Caterfly’s Open Smart Adoption

Why Executives Can’t Impose Agile – Daniel Mezick

Martin Grimshaw’s simple introduction: What is Open Space?

Jack Martin Leith’s introduction to Open Space

Using the simplicity of Open Space to solve complex problems – Chris Corrigan


Smarter Working: New paradigm approaches to smarter, more effective and enjoyable working


Lean (Toyota System)


Environmental Management Systems (EMS: ISO 14001), Sustainability Management Systems (SMS) and related management systems


Conscious Business

What is Smarter Working?


The Open Smart Transformation model and Caterfly’s Open Source Licence details:

About Intellectual Commons

Open Smart Transformation model in detail.